Thomas Dambo Trold i Børkop ved Kærlighedsstien

Friluftsfreak recommends: Kærlighedsstien in Børkop

Photo: Friluftsfreak

Close to Vejle lies the charming town of Børkop, home to the beautiful hiking trail, Kærlighedsstien. This circular route starts and ends at Børkop Watermill and takes you through open landscapes, urban environments, and forests.

About Friluftsfreak: Friluftsfreak is a digital outdoor magazine. Behind the magazine is a dedicated group of outdoor experts and journalists. You can find more inspiration for your next outdoor adventures on their Instagram profile: @friluftsfreak.


By Christian Thomsen from Friluftsfreak

A Historic Love Path

The name "Kærlighedsstien" (Love Path) is not chosen by chance. In the old days, it was a popular walk for young couples in love who wandered through the small forest behind Børkop's 'Alps.' Back then, the area was characterized by fields and peaceful nature, much of which has been preserved to this day, allowing you to enjoy an experience as beautiful as the one the lovers of the past once had.

Starting Points and Route Overview

I started my route at Børkop Watermill, where Kærlighedsstien begins. There is a large gravel parking lot right at the starting point where you can park your car, and here you will also find a map of the routes in the area. The routes are:

  • Kærlighedsstien (8.5 km)
  • Lykkestien (5.5 km)
  • Møllestien (3.5 km)
  • Pipstien (1.5 km)

There is something for everyone, so you can choose whether you want to take a shorter or longer walk, depending on your preference.

The Romantic Love Path

I chose the pink route, Kærlighedsstien, which stretches over 8.5 kilometers. The route is easy to follow with clear, purple markers and offers a pleasant hike through varied terrain. Shortly after starting, you pass the watermill and embark on a scenic path that winds through green areas.

Kærlighedsstien i Børkop


The Troll Ene Øjesten

After a relatively short time, you'll come to the first surprise on the hiking route: the Troll Ene Øjesten. This impressive and beautifully crafted wooden sculpture is located to the left of the path. Naturally, I went through the gate to take a closer look at the large troll, which is delightful to observe and very detailed. Troll Ene Øjesten is made from recycled wood and has a fascinating story—she carries a magical stone said to be able to see into the future.

Variety and Nature Experiences

Kærlighedsstien in Børkop offers an ideal day hike with plenty of opportunities to enjoy both nature and the charm of the village. The route is well-marked, and although there are stretches of asphalt, you’ll also find plenty of gravel paths and green areas. For me, personally, this provides great variation on a hiking route, where you don’t just walk on the same surface throughout but encounter different terrains along the way.

Ending at Børkop Watermill

After a lovely loop, Kærlighedsstien ends where it began, at Børkop Watermill. Here, you’ll also find a restaurant where you can choose to finish your hike if you wish.

Kærlighedsstien i Børkop


Highly Recommended Hiking Route

This beautiful and well-marked route is perfect for those who want a day hike without needing to bring a lot of gear. A clear recommendation from Friluftsfreak! Bring your friend, partner, or children and enjoy a wonderful experience in Børkop.